Post Tagged with: "László Kövér"

The failed 1956 Hungarian Revolution – the Soviets blamed the West just like Orbán does today

The failed 1956 Hungarian Revolution – the Soviets blamed the West just like Orbán does today

Sixty-five years ago Soviet troops crushed the Hungarian Revolution. The Soviet Union started a propaganda campaign blaming the West for the uprising and the bloodshed.  Howard Norton, a journalist with the Baltimore Sun reported from Moscow that the Soviets had spread their version why Russian troops were fighting in Hungary.  Not surprisingly, they put the blame unequivocally on the West […]

by · October 23, 2021 · Politics
Amb. Cornstein (right) and Mr. Kövér – all smiles, no criticism.

US Embassy in Berlin chides László Kövér, Hungary’s homophobe Parliament Speaker

László Kövér is an Orbán loyalist and Hungary’s Parliament Speaker. The 59-year-old politician was born in the city of Pápa where he hails from a privileged Communist family. Mr. Kövér started out as a staunch Communist himself; he even worked for the Politburo. In 1987 as a young liberal leader he received a Soros-fellowship and was one of the founders […]

by · May 26, 2019 · Politics
Hungary is now part of the assembly of “Turkic Speaking Countries”

Hungary is now part of the assembly of “Turkic Speaking Countries”

Last year Prime Minister Orbán declared that “Hungarians see themselves as the late descendants of Attila the Hun,” and the country’s citizens are proud of their Hun-Turkic origins and their language which is related to the Turkic languages. Orbán also reminded his audience that there was a time when it was an insult to say that Hungary was Europe’s most […]

by · November 25, 2018 · East
Billions of forints end up in pockets of Fidesz politicians again this weekend

Billions of forints end up in pockets of Fidesz politicians again this weekend

Fidesz Vice President Szilárd Németh is a fortunate man. According to János Hudák, a municipal politician associated with the Párbeszéd party, Mr. Németh’s private foundation, registered at his home address, will receive 2 billion forints in state subsidies to build a new sports complex, which will become home to the Hungarian Wrestling Academy. Curiously, but in keeping with how things […]

by · May 27, 2017 · Politics
Frans Timmerman and Queen Mathilde of Belgium

EU focus on Viktor Orbán’s anti-Semitism

While racism and anti-Semitism are not uncommon in European Union (EU) countries, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán is the only one who brought anti-Semitism into a ruling party. Ruling party Fidesz politicians in Hungary frequently make anti-Semitic remarks in Hungarian, never in English. And the doubletalk has served Orbán well. His party has attracted a fair share of the country’s […]

by · May 9, 2017 · Antisemitism
(from left to right) Mr. Kristóf Altusz, Hungarian State Secretary, Ambassador Szemerkényi, Rep. Blackburn and her husband.

Rep. Marsha Blackburn’s pro-Iranian Hungarian friends

Republican Congresswoman from Tennessee Marsha Blackburn is pleased with President Trump’s executive order to bar Syrian refugees and block citizens of seven countries, among them Iran, from entering the US. Rep. Blackburn considers Iran an enemy of the United States and two years ago she expressed strong concerns over Barack Obama’s Iran nuclear deal. She wrote that the Iranians were […]

by · February 1, 2017 · Politics
The statue and tomb of  Ottoman poet Gül Baba in Budapest. The tomb was constructed between 1543 and 1548.

Hungarian Islamophobia and the anti-migrant referendum: A review of an essay by Zoltan Pall and Omar Sayfo

This week, the Bratislava-based Visegrad Revue published an essay entitled “Why an anti-Islam campaign has taken root in Hungary, a country with few Muslims,” co-authored by Zoltan Pall, a research fellow in the Middle East Institute at the National University of Singapore, and Omar Sayfo, contributor to the pro-Orbán Demokrata weekly magazine, who defended his PhD at the University of […]

by · September 18, 2016 · Focus
Elie Wiesel received the Congressional Gold Medal from President Reagan in 1985.

Elie Wiesel spoke up against the Orbán government’s institutionalised anti-Semitism

Eighty-seven year-old Nobel Peace Prize laureate Elie Wiesel died peacefully after a long illness on July 2, 2016 in New York City. “My husband was a fighter. He fought for the memory of the 6 million Jews who perished in the Holocaust,” his widow, Marion said in a statement. US President Barack Obama wrote “Elie Wiesel was one of the […]

by · July 20, 2016 · Antisemitism
László Kövér is hiding his Communist past.

Ex-Communist László Kövér has no business dedicating Catholic chapel

The August 29th dedication of the new Chapel (Magyarok Nagyasszonya kápolna) at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington DC will start with a Solemn Mass celebrated by Cardinal Wuerl of Washington and Cardinal Erdő of Esztergom-Budapest. Readings and choral pieces will be both in English and in Hungarian. This could be a wonderful religious […]

by · August 22, 2015 · Politics
Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception.

Ex-Communist admirer of fascists László Kövér to dedicate Catholic Chapel in Washington DC

László Kövér is 55 years old. He is the Speaker of the Hungarian National Assembly and also a founding member of the ruling Fidesz party. He started his remarkable political career as a junior “apparatchik” of the Hungarian Communist Politburo in 1986. Born into a Communist family, he earned a law degree, and his contacts propelled him into a job […]

by · August 17, 2015 · Politics