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Editor: Christopher Adam
Published by Presszo Media Inc.



Christopher Adam
Beatrix Gergely
András Göllner
Szilárd Kalmár
Hanna Kereszturi
György Lázár
Dustin White

To pitch or to submit op-ed pieces, news items and letters, or to simply contact the editor, please write to: .

Submitting op-ed pieces or news analysis:

The Hungarian Free Press welcomes original op-ed pieces and news analysis that reflect our publication’s scope and core values. Please keep the following pointers in mind before submitting a piece or prior to pitching your idea to us:

  • We welcome original work that has not yet been published in English on other news sites.
  • English translations of Hungarian-language essays and op-ed pieces are welcome, as long as the original author has given his/her consent. We ask that a publishable translation of any such piece be provided to the HFP, as well as a copy of the original.
  • The author’s name is published alongside each op-ed piece or analysis. We cannot publish op-ed material under pseudonyms or Internet usernames. If you wish to maintain your anonymity, please consider submitting news pieces, which are all published under a ‘generic’ Hungarian Free Press banner.
  •  While we welcome succinct news items, we cannot publish verbatim any press releases. Please consider revising any such material, in order to turn it into a publishable news piece.
  • When quoting another person or analysis in your work, or if you are working with the ideas and terminology of another writer, please be sure to indicate this in your piece.

The Hungarian Free Press, similarly to nearly all not-for-profit publications, is unable to offer honorariums to our contributors at this time.  Everyone involved in editorial work at the HFP, as well as all authors, contribute their time, talent and ideas on a volunteer basis. We are grateful for your work!

Submitting letters to the editor:

We welcome letters to the editor and will endeavour to publish these whenever possible. While critiques and opposing viewpoints are certainly welcome, we cannot publish material that is racist, antisemitic, sexist, homophobic or prejudiced in any other way.

