Post Tagged with: "Sebastian Gorka"

Mr. Gorka (left) appeared Mr. Tamás Molnár (middle), vice-chairman of the Jobbik party and Mr. László Grespik far-right activist at a press conference in 2006 at the Corvin movie theatre, Budapest.

Sebastian Gorka’s association with far-right, pro-Iranian political figures in Hungary

This is the third installment of a series of articles appearing in HFP on the meteoric rise of Sebastian Gorka, President Trump’s counterterrorism adviser. Recently questions have been raised about Mr. Gorka’s competence and his connection to anti-Semitic groups and individuals. (See: Part 1 & Part 2.) Hungary’s far-right movement is pro-Iranian, in fact, according to press reports the Iranian […]

by · March 18, 2017 · Antisemitism
Sebastian Gorka aka Gorka Sebestyén.

Sebastian Gorka attended Hungarian far-right conference in 2003

(In a series of articles, HFP will be looking into the meteoric rise of Sebastian Gorka, President Trump’s counterterrorism adviser. Recently questions have been raised about Mr. Gorka’s competence and his connection to anti-Semitic groups and individuals. This piece is the second installment of our series.) In a recently published article David Reaboi defends Sebastian Gorka. He writes that it […]

by · March 6, 2017 · Antisemitism
Robert Pittenger (R-North Carolina)

Response to HFP: Congressman not aware that Hungarian participant in Security Forum had pro-Iranian and neo-Nazi connections

U.S. Congressman Robert Pittenger’s Communications Director reponded to a query by HFP’s György Lázár, in connection to two articles that appeared on our site about Sebastian Gorka’s ties to the far-right in Hungary and the participation of Jobbik MP Márton Gyöngyösi at an Intelligence, Terrorism and Cyber Security Forum organized by the Congressman. We received the following response. * Good afternoon, […]

by · March 4, 2017 · Politics
Mr. Gorka and Jobbik's ex-vice-chairman Mr. Molnár announce their political movement in Budapest in 2006

Sebastian Gorka, President Trump’s counterterrorism adviser and the Hungarian far-right

In a series of articles, HFP will be looking into the meteoric rise of Sebastian Gorka, President Trump’s counterterrorism adviser. Recently questions have been raised about Mr. Gorka’s competence and his connection to anti-Semitic groups and individuals. This piece is the first installment of our series. * Sebastian Gorka is a British-born British, Hungarian and US citizen who moved to […]

by · March 2, 2017 · Politics