Post Tagged with: "Péter Jakab"

László Toroczkai in front of Jobbik party offices on Bécsi út, in Budapest. Photo: MTI.

Jobbik divided — Radicals challenge party moderates

The Hungarian opposition’s implosion continues. On Tuesday, László Toroczkai, the leading radical in Jobbik, announced that he was launching a new platform within Jobbik called “Mi Magunk” (or “We Ourselves,” a clear nod to Northern Ireland’s Sinn Fein), in order to give radicals within the party a voice. There was speculation that people like Mr. Toroczkai, Előd Novák and his […]

by · May 22, 2018 · Politics
The new Jobbik billboard features Jobbik leader Gábor Vona in the middle, Viktor Orbán to the left and corruption-plagued Fidesz politician Antal Rogán to the right. The billboard reads: With you, we will remove them from power -- Jobbik: on the side of the people."

Jobbik creatively circumvents Fidesz restrictions on political billboards

Hungary’s ruling regime, which passed a probably unconstitutional law restricting Jobbik and all other parties from buying advertisements on billboards at discounted prices, begins the weekend with a rude awakening. If the opposition party is no longer allowed to purchase advertising space at below market rates, why not just buy the physical billboard altogether, through an advantageous financing agreement with […]

by · September 23, 2017 · Politics