Post Tagged with: "Multiculturalism in Hungary"

Execution of the Martyrs of Arad – painting by János Thorma.

Multiculturalism and the execution of the Martyrs of Arad

On October 6 Hungary commemorates the anniversary of the execution of the Hungarian rebel generals after the defeat of the Hungarian Revolution of 1848. In 1849 on this very day Julius Jacob von Haynau, Austrian general ordered the execution of 13 military leaders of the failed Hungarian Revolution and War for Independence. The executions took place in the city of […]

by · October 8, 2018 · Culture
Szeklers are not Hungarians.

“Szeklers are not Hungarians” – Budapest disagrees

Recently the Hungarian Academy of Sciences issued the statement: The dominant historical, archaeological, ethnographic and linguistic standpoints consider the Szeklers to be an integral part of the modern Hungarian nation in ethno-cultural terms. This is the latest in an ongoing debate about the Szeklers (Székelyek in Hungarian). In February 2013 demonstrators appeared in front of the Hungarian Consulate in the […]

by · August 1, 2018 · Diaspora, Politics
One of many fast food restaurants run by immigrants in Budapest.

Arabs, Afghans, Blacks and others in Hungary

While the overwhelming majority of the inhabitants of Hungary strongly oppose the European Union to settle thousands of migrants from the third world, quite a few Arab, Afghan and Black African people live continually or settled permanently in Hungary. How do they feel like in our country, how do they see us, and what they think about the migration crisis? […]

by · December 24, 2017 · Focus