Post Tagged with: "Hungarian Elections 2022"

A lesson in defeat — Hungary’s united democratic opposition suffers unexpectedly poor result

A lesson in defeat — Hungary’s united democratic opposition suffers unexpectedly poor result

Election night in Hungary was as good as it could be for Fidesz and proved as awful as possible for Péter Márki-Zay’s United for Hungary. Not only did Fidesz sail to victory, but rather helpfully, a small anti-vaxxer hard-right party called Mi Hazánk — formed by former Jobbik members that disagreed with a turn to more moderate politics — managed […]

by · April 4, 2022 · Politics
Hungary’s amoral ruling party must be defeated

Hungary’s amoral ruling party must be defeated

Standing on a little wooden chair and encircled by fans, this image of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán summed up effectively the bogus, foundationless nature of the Orbán regime that has ruled the country for 12 years. Fidesz is, after all, the party that embraces the conceit of being the sole legitimate representation of all that is Christian and patriotic. Yet […]

by · April 1, 2022 · Politics
A burned ballot cast for the United for Hungary rainbow coalition in Marosvásárhely.

Scores of ballots cast for Hungarian opposition parties found burned in Transylvania

Piles of  mail-in ballots, some cast for the United for Hungary rainbow coalition, as well as for the far-right Mi Hazánk party, have been discovered in a garbage dump near the town of Marosvásárhely, Romania — also known in Romanian as Târgu Mureș. Many of the discarded ballots were burned. The dump is essentially an illegal nuisance ground, located on a […]

by · March 31, 2022 · Politics
Hungary’s election is tight, but Fidesz has the edge

Hungary’s election is tight, but Fidesz has the edge

Hungarians go to the polls Sunday, April 3rd (with advance voting on April 2nd for the diaspora in North America) to decide the fate the Orbán regime, in power since 2010. A poll released this week shows a tight race between the two leading party slates: Fidesz-KDNP and the United for Hungary (Egységben Magyarországért) rainbow coalition of opposition parties. Závecz […]

by · March 30, 2022 · Politics