Post Tagged with: "European Union"

Ms. Grässle (right) smiles as she rides Mr. Orbán's vintage train.

EU financial inspectors find everything in order with train in Orbán’s village

Despite three days of government-propagated hysteria and accusations surrounding the visit of nine inspectors from the European Parliament to examine how EU funds have been spent in Hungary, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán can rest easy. The inspectors confirmed that from the perspective of how EU funds were spent on a vintage train, a project that has been the target of […]

by · September 20, 2017 · Politics
Viktor Orbán on Kossuth Radio, in Budapest, on September 8, 2017 /
MTI. Tibor Illyés

Viktor Orbán accepts EU ruling on migrant quotas, attacks western colonial powers

After 48 hour of offering no commentary whatsoever on a ruling by the European Court of Justice that dismissed both Hungary’s and Slovakia’s complaints about equitably resettling mostly Syrian refugees among EU member states, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán finally spoke to the issue in his usual Friday morning radio interview. The usually loquacious Hungarian prime minister was frugal with his […]

by · September 8, 2017 · Politics
A proposed design for Hungarian euro coins by Anev Kámen.  This includes: the insignia of St. Stephen, the Hungarian national shield,  Albert Szent Györgyi, Lajos Kossuth, Béla Bartók, the parliament, the Puli dog breed, the Rubik cube and Ferenc Puskás.

Should Hungary adopt the euro?

A growing list of prominent Hungarians, including conservatives, are supporting an initiative to launch a national referendum on the adoption of the euro in Hungary. More accurately, the proposed referendum is actually about Hungary joining the EU’s Exchange Rate Mechanism, which is the first formal step in having the euro replace the forint as Hungary’s currency. (The Fundamental Law does […]

by · September 5, 2017 · Politics
Gajus Scheltema. Photo: MTI.

Did the Dutch ambassador go too far in his criticism of the Orbán regime?

Outgoing Dutch ambassador Gajus Scheltema’s suggestion that the government of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán creates enemies along the same lines as Islamic terrorists sparked a political firestorm in Hungary. Mr. Scheltema said, as part of a response to journalists from the 168 Óra weekly on the risk of terrorist attacks, particularly after Barcelona: “A car attack can occur anywhere in […]

by · August 29, 2017 · Politics
Viktor Orbán (left) with Robert Fico (right). Photo: Szilárd Koszticsák / MTI

Viktor Orbán loses an important ally in Europe

Robert Fico, Slovakia’s prime minister and a left-leaning politician not immune to populism, nationalism and euroscepticism, has distanced himself from Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s hard-line anti-EU and anti-western rhetoric. Most crucially: Mr. Fico confirmed that for him, cooperation and a close alliance with Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Germany and President Emmanuel Macron’s France is more important than cooperation among the […]

by · August 16, 2017 · East
European Banking Authority offices in London.

Hungary not interested in attracting EU institutions from London after Brexit

European Union institutions currently based in London, but scheduled to relocate following the United Kingdom’s departure from the EU, are coveted prizes for member states. EU members see these as an important source of new jobs, investment in the local economy and international stature. Hungary, however, is bucking the trend and is uninterested in attracting any EU institution from London […]

by · August 1, 2017 · Politics
Zsolt Bayer speaking to Miskolc TV

Fidesz co-founder calls on Hungary to exit EU, attacks “non-European” Pope Francis

Zsolt Bayer, the prominent publicist, the co-founder of the ruling Fidesz party and close confidant of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, announced that Hungary must exit the European Union. He went further, calling the EU “a scalding pigsty.” Mr. Bayer was speaking to the local television station of the northeastern town of Miskolc, where he said: “If the EU continues along […]

by · July 16, 2017 · Politics
Gergely Gulyás. Photo:

Fidesz vice president concerned that ruling party is unappealing to Hungarian youth

Gergely Gulyás, vice president of the ruling Fidesz party, expressed concern that the party which once limited its membership to people under the age of 35 has now lost Hungary’s youth vote. “Success is most certainly rather attractive to young people, but let me exercise self-criticism: even if Fidesz is successful, today it is not appealing enough to young people,” […]

by · June 10, 2017 · Politics
György Schöpflin

George (György) Schöpflin, a Member of the European Parliament attacks CEU

Years ago George Schöpflin applied for a position at the Central European University (CEU) and was rejected. He didn’t get the job, and now he is attacking CEU by claiming that the university is illegitimate because it issues American diplomas without “American academic oversight.” 77 year old George (György) Schöpflin is a confidante of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and […]

by · May 12, 2017 · Politics
Viktor Orbán in Brussels on Saturday. Photo: MTI.

European People’s Party chaos — Viktor Orbán claims he made no promise on CEU law

The European People’s Party, which is rapidly losing its remaining credibility, is getting a first-hand taste of how Prime Minister Viktor Orbán operates. After the EPP published a strongly worded statement Saturday morning, in which it claimed that the EPP presidium “asked Fidesz and the Hungarian authorities to take all necessary steps to comply with the Commission’s request” about amending […]

by · April 29, 2017 · Politics