Post Tagged with: "Donald Trump"

Ambassador Réka Szemerkényi (left) and Rep. Kaptur at the award ceremony in 2017

Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-OH) is not supporting Orbán anymore

On January 24, 2017, Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-OH) was awarded the Officer’s Cross of the Order of Merit by Hungary. The award was presented in Washington D.C. with great fanfare by Orbán loyalist Ambassador Réka Szemerkényi and Kaptur expressed her support for the Budapest government. Hungarian taxpayer’s money was not spared. The award ceremony was preceded by a piano concert […]

by · May 18, 2019 · Politics
Viktor Orbán with Donald Trump in May 2019.

Viktor Orbán gets his day in Washington and displays his skill as a communicator

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán last sat next to an American president in the Oval Office 21 years ago, in 1998. At the time, the 35 year old Mr. Orbán, serving his first four year term at the helm of the Hungarian government, sat in the company of President Bill Clinton. Mr. Orbán had then just completed his transformation from an […]

by · May 13, 2019 · Focus
All smiles – Orbán with Eshaq Jahangiri, Iran’s First Vice President.

Pro-Iranian Viktor Orbán will visit President Trump in the White House

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s voice is the only heard in Hungary today and his rhetoric is firmly anti–Islamist. At the same time, Mr. Orbán maintains close and friendly relations with the Islamic Republic of Iran. Iran is a theocracy. Islam is an inseparable part of the political structure and the government is based on sharia or Islamic law. Iran is […]

by · May 10, 2019 · East
Another selfie

Who’s Meshuga? Arnold Schwarzenegger and Viktor Orbán – best buddies

Last December in the Polish city of Katowice, Arnold Schwarzenegger gave a brief speech about climate change. In his speech Arnold called President Trump meshuga. The Yiddish word means crazy and the audience responded with applause. Arnold grew up in Graz, Austria as a son of a one-time Nazi party-member policeman. I don’t think that he heard much Yiddish at […]

by · April 5, 2019 · Politics
Pastor Bunson prays with President Trump in the White House.

Pastor Andrew Brunson becomes a Hungarian citizen

Andrew Brunson, a 50-year old American pastor who lived in Turkey since the mid-1990s was jailed by local authorities for his alleged participation in a coup against Turkish strongman Tayyip Erdogan. Brunson and his wife, Norine were arrested in October 2016 along with other Americans. Norine was released after two weeks but her husband was held for two years, facing […]

by · March 2, 2019 · East
It is time to remove Réka Szemerkényi from her position at CEPA.

An echo from the tripartite collusion that put Donald Trump in the White House

George Lázár’s call for the removal of the Hungarian autocracy’s former US ambassador, Réka Szemerkényi from her post at the prestigious Washington based Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA) is an important initiative that should be embraced by all Americans, regardless of Party affiliation, because it is a step in the direction of the path that leads towards justice, the […]

by · January 17, 2019 · Focus
Russian President Putin and Hungary’s President Áder – close ties.

Hungarian President János Áder is scheduled to speak at anti-Trump climate event in California

Six years ago Donald Trump tweeted that “The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive.” In another tweet he made his views clear: “In the 1920’s people were worried about global cooling – it never happened. Now it’s global warming. Give me a break!” This US administration does not […]

by · September 13, 2018 · Politics
Photo: Shealah Craighead / White House

Spectre of Munich 1938 hangs over Singapore

Eighty years ago, British PM Neville Chamberlain went to Munich for a summit meeting with Adolf Hitler, to save the world from a military cataclysm. At the time, Hitler’s scientists were already working hard to unlock the destructive force of the atom. His „rocket men” were busy designing the first prototypes of the pilotless delivery vehicles that would pummel London […]

by · June 21, 2018 · Focus

The return of the Ugly American

Former Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau once quipped, in a good natured way, that living next to the US is like sleeping next to an elephant. After hearing this Sunday’s extraordinarily virulent and unfair attacks on his son, by Donald Trump and his White House lap-dogs, Peter Navarro and Larry Kudlow, Canadians are bracing themselves: the elephant has gone […]

by · June 11, 2018 · Politics
Viktor Orbán to Mr. Trump's left.

Hungary uses Israeli lobbying firm to mend fences with United States

The Orbán government had high hopes that the election of Donald Trump as president would lead to improved bilateral relations between Hungary and the United States–relations that had very much deteriorated since 2010, after Fidesz took power. The Orbán government had been paying Washington lobbyist Connie Mack around $112,000 per month, primarily to secure a much coveted Oval Office visit […]

by · April 19, 2018 · Politics