Recently in the spotlight

Héjjas after the White Terror and in Hollywood

Héjjas after the White Terror and in Hollywood

(This is the last of a three-part series on Iván Héjjas the leader of the Ragged Guard) Héjjas’s brutality had become an embarrassment to Horthy by the summer of 1920, so the government ordered the dissolution of his detachment.  Héjjas took his men to the western part of Hungary, Burgenland, where he engaged Austrian troops and, with the forces of […]

by · December 7, 2020 · Antisemitism
József Szájer

The demise of József Szájer — the anti-gay “Christian Conservative” politician who led a double life

I don’t think anyone who has deeper insights into Hungarian politics was especially surprised when it became public that Fidesz co-founder and MEP József Szájer attended an all-male orgy at an apartment in Brussels in November, which was raided by police for violating pandemic gathering restrictions. Mr. Szájer fled the scene and had on his person a backpack containing illegal […]

by · December 2, 2020 · Focus
Photo: Facebook Fan Site.

George Clooney’s response to the Orbán Government’s media attacks

By now you have all heard about Hungary’s recent attacks on American film star George Clooney.  Just as Clooney suspected, tightly controlled Hungarian media did not print his full response and we thought that it would be important to publish the full text. Just a brief background.  In November GQ Magazine interviewed Clooney who spoke about his movie The Midnight Sky and […]

by · December 2, 2020 · Politics
Iván Héjjas – Anti-Semite, torturer, mass murderer

Iván Héjjas – Anti-Semite, torturer, mass murderer

(This is the second of a three-part series on Iván Héjjas the leader of the Ragged Guard) The resurrection of Iván Héjjas at the Kecskemét conference started with a biography written by László Domonkos in 2018 in which he denied the atrocities attributed to his subject.  Domonkos is not a historian.  But his views have received official support by his appointment as […]

by · November 26, 2020 · Focus
Murder on Fifth Avenue — A Global Perspective on the 2020 US Elections

Murder on Fifth Avenue — A Global Perspective on the 2020 US Elections

Are the chickens coming home to roost in America? Are we witnessing the fulfilment of a two hundred year old prediction by John Adams, one of the Founding Fathers and the 2nd President of the USA? “Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.” (Letter […]

by · November 20, 2020 · Focus
From murderers to heroes

From murderers to heroes

(This is the first of a three-part series on Iván Héjjas the leader of the Ragged Guard) A conference has just ended in Kecskemét called “Of the brave and heroic,” a tribute to the Ragged Guard (Rongyos Gárda), a vigilante group whose military disturbances resulted in a plebiscite that returned the city of Sopron to Hungary after the Treaty of […]

by · November 18, 2020 · Antisemitism
Nicholas (Miklós) Nyaradi

Nicholas (Miklós) Nyaradi – from banker to anti-Communist crusader

As part of our series on lesser known Hungarian Americans we introduce Nicholas Nyaradi or Miklós Nyáradi (Scheidl) the Hungarian banker and politician who became a significant voice in the anti-Communist movement in the United States. Miklós Scheidl was born in 1905 in Hungary and after receiving his law degree in 1928 he had a long career in banking.  He became […]

by · November 14, 2020 · Diaspora
Richard Grenell in performance.

Leaving Las Vegas — Orbán Lobbyist Richard Grenell leads Anti-Biden Conspiracy Theorists in America

Without identifying himself, in spite of repeated questions from reporters, one of Hungarian autocrat Viktor Orbán’s top US lobbyists, Richard Grenell, held a press conference this week in Las Vegas and alleged that American Democracy is being hijacked by the deceased. Trump’s former Director of National Intelligence claimed on camera that this is “what’s happening in the state of Nevada”. […]

by · November 8, 2020 · Focus
Celebrating a fascist icon.

Géza Szőcs has died

Géza Szőcs, poet and former Secretary of State for Culture in the early years of the Orbán government, has died at age 67 from COVID-19. Whenever I read his name I am reminded of Elie Wiesel’s words: “It is with profound dismay and indignation that I learned of your participation, together with Hungarian Secretary of State for Culture Géza Szőcs […]

by · November 7, 2020 · Culture
Antonia Eliason, Mississippi’s first Democratic Socialist candidate has Hungarian roots

Antonia Eliason, Mississippi’s first Democratic Socialist candidate has Hungarian roots

Antonia Eliason is the Democratic candidate in Mississippi’s 1st Congressional District.  Since 2013 Ms. Eliason has been a professor at the University of Mississippi, School of Law.  She is the state’s first ever Democratic Socialist candidate focusing on environmental justice, universal healthcare and workers’ rights. I called her on the phone because I discovered in her CV that she speaks […]

by · November 1, 2020 · Politics