Recently in the spotlight

Gellért Rajcsányi, a blogger with the pro-Fidesz Mandiner site.

Gellért Rajcsányi and Tamás Pindroch — Two right-wingers react to Obama’s speech

If I had to define or characterize the reaction to the news of Barack Obama’s speech, I would call it frustrated and helpless anger. Right-wing pundits and some in government (Lajos Kósa or the Christian Democrats – KDNP, in specific) responded like an indignant teenager with a deep inferiority complex. KDNP politician Imre Vejkey wondered if the “fate of Ökotárs kept Obama […]

by · September 25, 2014 · Focus
CHEF Board members: Christopher Adam, Kevin Burns, Catherine Bélanger, Mark Curfoot-Mollington.

Canada-Hungary Educational Foundation explores fall programs

The Ottawa-based Canada-Hungary Educational Foundation’s board held its autumn planning meeting on September 9th, 2014 to review some of its work over the past year and to chart a direction moving forward. Now in its ninth year of existence, there was agreement that scholarship and internship programs should continue to form an important part of CHEF’s work, especially building on […]

by · September 25, 2014 · Diaspora
Photo: White House

Obama lumps Hungary in with anti-western, authoritarian regimes

Last week, former U.S. President Bill Clinton commented on the Daily Show, that with his brand of authoritarian capitalism, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán wants little more than to stay in power indefinitely and become wealthy through dubious means. (“Usually these guys just want to stay forever and make a lot of money,”–said Mr. Clinton.) The collective heart of the Orbán […]

by · September 24, 2014 · Politics
Miklós Pereházy

Los Angeles Hungarian House: Rejecting antisemitism is a priority

Since 2003, I have served as president of the United Hungarian House in Los Angeles, an organization which is not only not antisemitic, but is ultimately a non-political and secular institution. Growing up as a child, we didn’t ask our classmates about one another’s religion (especially considering that few people practiced religious faith at that time), but rather we asked […]

by · September 20, 2014 · Diaspora
Fruzsina Pregitzer

The Los Angeles United Hungarian House and Fruzsina Pregitzer

Thanks for Mr. Pereházy’s prompt and courteous response to my article that he posted on his Facebook site. (You may read his note here.) From his response I gather that Mr. Pereházy has no intention of cancelling Ms. Pregitzer’s show. At the same time he assured us that the planned Sept 27 event won’t contain objectionable text. I assume that […]

by · September 20, 2014 · Diaspora
Miklós Pereházy

Distasteful anti-Semitic provocation at the Los Angeles Hungarian House

Miklós Pereházy is the president of the Los Angeles based United Hungarian House. His center promotes Hungarian culture, language and tradition. Mr. Pereházy – an immigrant himself – is doing a good job, and recently he was reelected. He frequently invites performers, musicians, and actors from Hungary. The center organizes various events and occasionally serves tasty dinners for the patrons. […]

by · September 16, 2014 · Diaspora
The new European Commission.

Navracsics EU appointment is a slap in the face for Orbán regime

Tibor Navracsics received the lowest ranking position in Jean-Claude Juncker’s new European Commission, having been appointed commissioner for education, culture, youth and citizenship. Mr. Navracsics has served as Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s foreign affairs minister, but it is widely believed that this position will now be passed on to Péter Szijjártó, one of Fidesz’s most vocal supporters of the new […]

by · September 10, 2014 · Politics
Demonstration on Monday evening, in front of Ökotárs' offices. Nearly 1,000 supporters of the NGO came out in solidarity following the raids. Photo:

Regime officials, supporters coordinate messaging on troubling police raids

There seems to be broad agreement among supporters and officials of the Orbán regime on how to communicate Monday’s politically-motivated police raids against a handful of NGOs, including Ökotárs. These non-profits are perceived to have a liberal or left-leaning bias and are thus targets of Hungary’s right-wing authoritarian government . On Monday evening, Gergely Huth, the assistant publisher of the pro-Fidesz Pesti Srácok blog, […]

by · September 9, 2014 · Politics
HCLU's logo.

Europe cannot remain silent after police raids against NGOs, says Civil Liberties Union

The Hungarian Civil Liberties Union (HCLU) condemned Monday’s police raids against Hungarian NGOs as politically motivated actions that elevate the illiberal Orban government’s attack against civil society to a new, unprecedented level. On September 8, 2014, dozens of police officers from the National Bureau of Investigation (NNI) raided the offices of Ökotárs and Demnet, two NGOs responsible for the distribution of Norwegian NGO […]

by · September 8, 2014 · Politics
Protest poster

Orbán regime launches all-out attack against NGOs linked to Norwegian Fund

A dozen police officers were sent out to search the offices of Budapest’s Ökotárs Alapítvány Monday morning and then at noon, investigators arrived at the offices of another NGO called the Foundation for the Development of Democratic Rights. The police arrived unannounced to both locations and prohibited employees to make any phone calls using office telephones, as they ransacked both headquarters. […]

by · September 8, 2014 · Politics