
Photo: Balázs Nagy

The “crucifixion” of Viktor Orbán

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán knows that his government is in trouble. There is open in-fighting between Fidesz and the Christian Democrats (KDNP) over prospective changes to the church laws, which Mr. Orbán’s party initiated without first consulting with KDNP (or any of the churches, for that matter). And then, the forced Sunday closures of stores, the scrapped Internet tax,  heavy-handed drug testing laws proposed […]

by · December 10, 2014 · Politics
Mr. McCain and Mr. Orbán

Senator McCain: Viktor Orbán is undemocratic and cozying up to Vladimir Putin

The US Senate today voted 52-42 to confirm Colleen Bradley Bell to be U.S. ambassador to Hungary. Senator John McCain is a very influential Republican. He was presidential nominee in 2008, he lost to President Obama, and now he is considered possible presidential candidate in 2016. When Senator McCain talks American politicians listen. McCain spoke in the Senate about Ms. […]

by · December 2, 2014 · Politics
Hungarian euro pipe dream. These are proposals for Hungarian euro coins by Kámen Anev graphic artist. They were created shortly after Hungary joined the EU in 2004 and were first published in the Magyar Hírlap.

Hungarian government says ‘no’ to euro

On paper, Hungary is obliged to eventually replace the forint with the euro. But somewhat like Sweden, which is obligated to do the same on paper, the Hungarian national currency is likely to stay around for some time to come, as the Orbán government has no plans to move towards the euro at any point in the near future. With […]

by · December 2, 2014 · Politics
Mr. Orbán in Nádudvar, on November 26th, 2014. Photo: Facebook

Fidesz support crumbling ahead of key by-election

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has good reason to feel uneasy. On Sunday, the party lost a by-election in a left-leaning Budapest suburb by a 20 point margin (the governing party had at least expected a close race with the opposition Socialists) and then early this week two prominent Fidesz supporters announced that they may contest — as independent candidates — […]

by · November 26, 2014 · Politics
András Göllner speaking to HuffPost over Skype. Photo: Video capture from HuffPost.

András Göllner in Huffington Post: EU must take decisive action against Orbán government

András Göllner, Founder and International Spokesperson of the Canadian Hungarian Democratic Charter and Professor Emeritus at Concordia University, gave a live interview to Huffington Post, over Skype, from his home in Montreal. Professor Göllner spoke to the growing popular unrest in Hungary and the destruction of the rule of law since 2010. “Hungary has taken a wrong turn. It has […]

by · November 24, 2014 · Politics
1992: Bobby Fischer vs. Boris Spassky Belgrade.

Mr. Orbán’s Bobby Fischer madness

In 1992 chess genius Bobby Fischer was warned against playing a $5-million match in Yugoslavia. The United States had prohibited all commercial dealings in the war-torn country, the tournament was illegal, and Mr. Fischer was cited for participating in the chess match with Boris Spassky. The erratic Mr. Fischer, 49 years old at the time, was known for bizarre behavior. He […]

by · November 19, 2014 · Politics
Day of Outrage. Photo: Balázs Mohai/MTI

Palpable anger on the streets of Budapest

Some 10,000 people took to the streets of Budapest on Monday evening (and up to 5,000 protested in a handful of other Hungarian and European cities) in what was dubbed a “Day of Public Outrage” against the taxes, systemic corruption and anti-western foreign policy of the Orbán government. The demonstrators called for nothing short of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s resignation. What was […]

by · November 18, 2014 · Politics
Éva Balogh and Kim Lane Scheppele

Two interviews on Hungary worth watching: Éva Balogh and Kim Lane Scheppele

Most of HFP’s readers will be quite familiar with Éva Balogh’s Hungarian Spectrum, an excellent blog with daily updates, providing in-depth exploration and informed opinion of political, social and cultural issues in Hungary. Professor Balogh, who is also a founder of the Canadian Hungarian Democratic Charter, very rarely misses writing her daily post (pretty much only when her electricity goes […]

by · November 15, 2014 · Politics
Dávid Janiczak celebrates victory with his supporters. Photo: MTI.

The Wizard of Ózd: Jobbik wins two-thirds in working class town

On Sunday night, something of a political earthquake shook rural Hungary. After Fidesz contested the very tight results of the mayoral election in the working class town of Ózd (population: 36,000), a new vote was held this past weekend. Fidesz pumped all of its energies into winning back this town from the 27 year old Dávid Janiczak, who was Jobbik’s candidate. On the surface, Mr. […]

by · November 10, 2014 · Politics
Four men sit round the tax man and blow smoke in his face / C. Wellcome. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

A tale of two countries’ corrupt prime ministers

Just for once, let’s state the obvious: It is very likely that the prime minister of Hungary, Viktor Orbán, not only knew everything about the US corruption charges — knew who were the accused, knew what they were accused of, knew what they actually did, and knew the evidence the US had against them, but, by far the most important […]

by · November 7, 2014 · Politics