
Pope Francis, President Biden and Viktor Orbán the “totalitarian thug”

Pope Francis, President Biden and Viktor Orbán the “totalitarian thug”

Tucker Carlson from Fox News was in Budapest and conducted an interview with Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. I found part of their conversation intriguing. Here is the official transcript. CARLSON: When the President of the United States describes you as a totalitarian thug, it’s a very serious thing to say about somebody, I would note. I mean, that suggests that, […]

by · August 11, 2021 · Politics
Meet Ambassador Maria Vass-Salazar, Hungary’s new top diplomat in Ottawa

Meet Ambassador Maria Vass-Salazar, Hungary’s new top diplomat in Ottawa

Little is known about the new Hungarian Ambassador to Ottawa; she keeps her cards close to her chest.  To be honest, I was surprised to learn that she got the job, a fairly important diplomatic assignment.  I have a feeling that she was also surprised. Ambassador Vass-Salazar is in her late 40s, married, has two girls and had numerous diplomatic […]

by · July 25, 2021 · Politics
Orbán, Ceferin and Csányi

Hungary’s latest enemy – UEFA the European soccer’s governing body

On July 9 the UEFA Control Ethics and Disciplinary Body issued a statement related to events on the EURO 2020 group matches. Hungarian fans exhibited “discriminatory behavior” and article 14(2) of the Disciplinary Regulations was violated. The Hungarian Soccer Federation was ordered to play its next three matches as a host association behind closed doors and was also fined €100,000.  The Hungarians […]

by · July 16, 2021 · Politics
Who finances right-wing Hungarian portals in North America?

Who finances right-wing Hungarian portals in North America?

There is growing concern that Putin’s Russia established a network of websites to spread disinformation and political propaganda in the US.  And how about Viktor Orbán’s Hungary? According to public records the Clevelandi Magyarokért Foundation was registered on December 5, 2019 in North Olmsted, Ohio as a non-profit entity.   Within weeks the organization received 1.5 million Ft support from the Orbán government.  […]

by · June 3, 2021 · Politics
Jon Greenwald

Seventy-eight year-old Jon Greenwald is lobbying to be the next US Ambassador to Budapest

Seventy-eight year-old (!) Princeton and Harvard trained Jon Greenwald wants to be next US Ambassador to Budapest.  He has already contacted the Biden team and declared that he wishes to serve the US in Hungary.  Greenwald also wrote a letter to Béla Lipták (Hungarian Lobby) about his past Hungarian experience and motivations and we asked permission to re-publish it.  Here […]

by · May 9, 2021 · Politics
Hungarian conservatives launch English-language journal

Hungarian conservatives launch English-language journal

This month, we are witness to an eyebrow-raising development in Hungary. A new English-language journal entitled Hungarian Conservative is being launched on April 15th by the Batthyány Lajos Foundation — a non-profit group dating back to 1991 and established by Hungary’s first democratically elected prime minister, József Antall. The Batthyányi Circle of Professors, affiliared with this foundation, has been critical of […]

by · April 13, 2021 · Politics
Marc Dillard

Marc Dillard likes absurdity and he now is the Chargé d’Affaires at the US Embassy in Budapest

On October 27th, 2020, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán presented the Hungarian Order of Merit, Middle Cross with the Star, to 82-year-old US Ambassador David Cornstein “for his role in strengthening Hungarian-U.S. diplomatic, economic and trade relations.”  Ambassador Cornstein’s tenure has ended and currently there is no US Ambassador in Budapest.  It is not clear when the new Ambassador will be named by […]

by · April 5, 2021 · Politics
February 14th: The last day at Budapest's Klubrádió, at least in its current form.

As the Orbán regimes shuts down pro-democracy Klubrádió, Canada’s CBC raises awareness

It’s something of a funeral, although with certain glimmers of hope, at Budapest’s Klubrádió: the last remaining pro-democracy talk radio station in Hungary. Hungarian courts, beholden to the Fidesz party state, have decided to strip the station of its FM frequency, citing legal “infractions.” In essence, the station’s frequency license will expire at midnight on Valentine’s Day and the authorities […]

by · February 14, 2021 · Politics
The Orbán government is wooing Secretary of State Tony Blinken, actually his mother, Judith Pisar

The Orbán government is wooing Secretary of State Tony Blinken, actually his mother, Judith Pisar

Authoritarian far-right Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán knows that he can expect tougher treatment from the Biden administration after his bold bet on a win for President Donald Trump backfired.   Orbán declared his admiration for Trump many times and viciously (and unwisely) attacked “corrupt” Joe Biden. Recently pardoned White House advisor Steve Bannon even called Orbán “Trump before Trump.” In […]

by · January 29, 2021 · Politics
Minister László Palkovics is trying to distance himself from Viktor Orbán

Minister László Palkovics is trying to distance himself from Viktor Orbán

Just as expected, politicians from Viktor Orbán’s inner circle have started to distance themselves from the authoritarian Prime Minister.  Orbán’s grip on power is a bit shaken. According to Hungarian media sources, László Palkovics, Hungary’s Minister of Innovation and Technology attempted to leave the government but Orbán repeatedly refused to accept his resignation. Now Palkovics has made an unusual statement.  […]

by · January 16, 2021 · Politics