Articles by: András Göllner

On the Beach with Orbán — The First Round of Test Results (Part 2)

On the Beach with Orbán — The First Round of Test Results (Part 2)

A Five-Part Series on How the Republican Party’s Love-Affair with Viktor Orbán May Change Life in America — by András B. Göllner (Read Part 1 here) The visit by Hungary’s Prime Minister, Viktor Orbán, to Donald Trump’s Florida beach-house — coming just days before Easter — offers everyone a great opportunity to contemplate how their lives may change here on […]

by · May 1, 2024 · Focus
An image from Viktor Orbán's Facebook page, showing the Hungarian leader with Melania and Donald Trump.  The slogan "Tiszta Amerika!" can be translated as "Pure America!'

On the beach with Viktor Orbán — Words that Matter (Part 1)

A Five-Part Series on How the Republican Party’s Love-Affair with Viktor Orbán May Change Life in America — by András B. Göllner The visit by Hungary’s Prime Minister, Viktor Orbán, to Donald Trump’s Florida beach-house — coming just days before Easter — offers everyone a great opportunity to contemplate how their lives may change here on earth if Donald Trump […]

by · April 8, 2024 · Focus
What's cooking in the laboratory? Source: Government of the Russian Federation, CC.

What Is Prigozhin And Putin up to in Russia ? My reply to a conservative friend’s letter

Dear A: My short answer to your question is this: Prigozhin “goes both ways” (sic). If you are interested in my longer answer, please read on. Sapiens, including those who are Russian, like to imagine that they are rational creatures, created in the image of god, moving forward progressively as each others’ keepers on the path towards conquering nature. I […]

by · June 28, 2023 · Focus
Murder on Fifth Avenue — A Global Perspective on the 2020 US Elections

Murder on Fifth Avenue — A Global Perspective on the 2020 US Elections

Are the chickens coming home to roost in America? Are we witnessing the fulfilment of a two hundred year old prediction by John Adams, one of the Founding Fathers and the 2nd President of the USA? “Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.” (Letter […]

by · November 20, 2020 · Focus
Richard Grenell in performance.

Leaving Las Vegas — Orbán Lobbyist Richard Grenell leads Anti-Biden Conspiracy Theorists in America

Without identifying himself, in spite of repeated questions from reporters, one of Hungarian autocrat Viktor Orbán’s top US lobbyists, Richard Grenell, held a press conference this week in Las Vegas and alleged that American Democracy is being hijacked by the deceased. Trump’s former Director of National Intelligence claimed on camera that this is “what’s happening in the state of Nevada”. […]

by · November 8, 2020 · Focus
András Göllner with László Rajk. Photo: C. Adam.

Rest in Peace, László Rajk Jr. (1949-2019)

Hungarian democratic activist, architect and designer László Rajk Jr. died on September 11, 2019 at 71 years of age. Mr. Rajk, whose father served as Interior Minister until 1949 when he was sentenced to death in a Stalinist show trial, was one of the key figures of opposition to communist rule in Hungary during the 1980’s. In the early eighties, […]

by · September 13, 2019 · Focus
Whitewash — Assessing Robert Mueller’s Testimony Before the House Committees

Whitewash — Assessing Robert Mueller’s Testimony Before the House Committees

On Wednesday. July 24, 2019, tens of millions of Americans and others around the world were given an opportunity to hear directly from Special Counsel Robert Mueller, the man in charge of the investigation into the relationship between the Trump Campaign and Russia. Thanks to his 5 hour testimony, we now know that crime pays in America. Mr. Mueller agreed […]

by · July 25, 2019 · Politics
Ambassador Bálint Ódor with Ontario Premier Doug Ford.

Actions not words needed to stop Hungary’s efforts to subvert Canadian democracy

It is time that Canadian Hungarian Academic organizations, such as the Hungarian Studies Association of Canada (HSAC), and Canadian-Hungarians of good conscience, follow the example set by the Canadian Hungarian Democratic Charter (CHDC) and portals such as this one, by not only speaking up publicly, but acting with resolve to unmask and stop the affinity fraud engaged in by the […]

by · June 17, 2019 · Diaspora
It is time to remove Réka Szemerkényi from her position at CEPA.

An echo from the tripartite collusion that put Donald Trump in the White House

George Lázár’s call for the removal of the Hungarian autocracy’s former US ambassador, Réka Szemerkényi from her post at the prestigious Washington based Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA) is an important initiative that should be embraced by all Americans, regardless of Party affiliation, because it is a step in the direction of the path that leads towards justice, the […]

by · January 17, 2019 · Focus
Béla Lipták

On Béla Lipták’s defense of the indefensible

It’s heartening to see how the trolls come out of the woodwork when their master, Europe’s most successful affinity fraud artist, Viktor Orbán and his enablers, such as Béla Lipták, the head of The American-Hungarian Lobby, are criticized in the media. I shall pass over the refuse these trolls leave behind them in the underpass of The Hungarian Free Press […]

by · January 8, 2019 · Politics