Response to HFP: Congressman not aware that Hungarian participant in Security Forum had pro-Iranian and neo-Nazi connections

U.S. Congressman Robert Pittenger’s Communications Director reponded to a query by HFP’s György Lázár, in connection to two articles that appeared on our site about Sebastian Gorka’s ties to the far-right in Hungary and the participation of Jobbik MP Márton Gyöngyösi at an Intelligence, Terrorism and Cyber Security Forum organized by the Congressman. We received the following response.


Robert Pittenger (R-North Carolina)

Good afternoon,

Congressman Pittenger was not aware of any participant in the Parliamentary Intelligence-Security Forum having any pro-Iranian, anti-Semite, neo-Nazi, or related connections.

Please be aware of the invitation process: Congressman Pittenger sends invitations to the Speaker (or equivalent) of the Parliament, who then puts together a delegation of foreign affairs-related MPs who would best represent their country and learn from the panelists. We are aware that in 2015, for example, that Hungary sent a 4 person delegation representing 4 different political parties, but Congressman Pittenger is not specifically involved in picking the delegates. The majority of each forum is focused on listening to and/or interacting with expert panelists, so an individual delegate’s political views would not necessarily be part of the open discussions.

Jamie Bowers
Communications Director
Congressman Robert Pittenger

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