Post Tagged with: "Judith Kopácsi"

Illustration: Tamás Péli

Hungarian Roma refugees in Canada — The lead case, its aftermath and the future (Parts 2 & 3)

According to Paul St. Clair[1]’s report dated 2007, about the Migration of Hungarian Roma to Canada (and back),             In comparison to about 5,000 Czech Roma, close to 25,000 Hungarian Roma made Refugee Claim in Canada, between 1997 and 2002.  In contrast to the Czech, the Hungarian Roma migration had a much more fluid form.  This was mainly because there […]

by · August 25, 2017 · Focus
Illustration by Tamás Pély

Hungarian Roma refugees in Canada — The Roma fiasco (Part 1)

I. I first met Mr. S in the early spring of 1997 at a Hungarian cultural event. The organizer of the event brought him to my attention, as a newly arrived Roma from Hungary, claiming refugee status in Canada. I asked him if he had a lawyer to represent him, and he said with a confidence that he was planning […]

by · August 24, 2017 · Focus