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Photo credit: Alexandros Michailidis

European People’s Party finally suspends Fidesz from its ranks

Despite Viktor Orbán’s half-hearted letters of apology to members of the European People’s about his most recent anti-Soros, anti-Juncker and anti-migrant campaigns, an expression of regret for employing the term “useful idiots” when referring to his Christian Democratic partners in the EU and a pledge to stop harassing Central European University, the EPP appears to have had enough and has […]

by · March 20, 2019 · Politics
Bem’s statue in Budapest

Joseph Bem – the Polish, Jewish, Muslim general and hero of the 1848 Hungarian Revolution

On March 15th Hungarians commemorate the Revolution and War of Independence against Habsburg rule in 1848-49. We remember the legendary military leader, General Joseph Bem. Bem was born in Poland in 1794 probably in a Catholic family. As a trained military engineer, an expert with guns, especially with gun powder, he was one of the leaders of the Polish insurrections […]

by · March 16, 2019 · Culture
Count Michael Károlyi in the United States.

Count Michael Károlyi – Fascismo, The Menace to World Peace

On February 1, 1930 The Harvard Crimson reported: Count Michael Károlyi, first President of Hungary, who is to speak at the Ford Hall Forum tomorrow evening, at 7 o’clock, on “Fascismo–The Menace to World Peace” has, after a four-year period of exclusion, at last been given permission to enter America as an ordinary European visitor with a six months’ visa. […]

by · March 13, 2019 · Diaspora
Theresa May walking in the rain after church.

Brexit and why I still admire British political culture

Britain’s Attorney General Geoffrey Cox, a Tory politician appointed by the current prime minister, advised that Theresa May’s last ditch efforts to secure legally binding reassurances for her Brexit deal around the controversial backstop clause fell short of guaranteeing that the United Kingdom could unilaterally withdraw itself from a situation that would see Northern Ireland unified indefinitely with the Republic of […]

by · March 12, 2019 · Politics
Fr. András Kun

The genocidal priest — The last interview with András Kun

We know from the revelations of the past nearly two decades that some of the men who joined the Roman Catholic priesthood were socially and emotionally maladjusted, and used their position of authority to abuse the most vulnerable in their community. There are also today a number of priests, sometimes younger ones, who not only subscribe privately to the most […]

by · March 11, 2019 · Antisemitism
Mr. Pereházy (left), Consul General Széles (right) with Mr. Lajos Kósa, Hungarian minister without portfolio (middle) at the Los Angeles United Magyar House in 2017.

Hungarian Americans at war in Los Angeles

Hungarian Americans in Los Angeles won’t celebrate together this March 15th. Hungary’s most important National Holiday commemorates the Hungarian Revolution of 1848 that grew into a war for independence from the Catholic Habsburg rule. Instead there will be two commemorations at different locations on the same day, at almost the same time. The “official” event is sponsored by the Hungarian […]

by · March 8, 2019 · Diaspora
Viktor Orbán (25 February 2019). Photo: Facebook.

Fidesz unlikely to agree to European People’s Party demands

Manfred Weber, leader of the European People’s Party (EPP) parliamentary faction has issued three demands of Fidesz if it is to be permitted to remain a member of the largest caucus in the European Parliament. Hungary’s ruling party, after launching yet another anti-Soros, anti-Brussels and now also anti-Jean Claude Juncker campaign, must: stop this campaign, apologize to the member parties […]

by · March 6, 2019 · Politics
Ten conservative allies demand Fidesz be expelled from European People’s Party

Ten conservative allies demand Fidesz be expelled from European People’s Party

Ten member parties of the conservative European People’s Party are formally demanding that Fidesz, which is presently running a negative ad campaign against fellow Christian Democrat President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker and Brussels, be expelled from the European Parliament’s largest faction. At least seven parties from five EU member states must agree to have a member party expelled from the […]

by · March 4, 2019 · Politics
Pastor Bunson prays with President Trump in the White House.

Pastor Andrew Brunson becomes a Hungarian citizen

Andrew Brunson, a 50-year old American pastor who lived in Turkey since the mid-1990s was jailed by local authorities for his alleged participation in a coup against Turkish strongman Tayyip Erdogan. Brunson and his wife, Norine were arrested in October 2016 along with other Americans. Norine was released after two weeks but her husband was held for two years, facing […]

by · March 2, 2019 · East
The Orbán regime's newest propaganda campaign.

Fidesz politicians travel to Berlin to secretly mend fences with Christian Democrats

Hungarians who will soon receive a mailed letter from Viktor Orbán attacking Brussels, or who have seen the new anti-Soros and anti-Brussels billboards, which smear fellow Christian Democrat Jean-Claude Juncker, may think that Fidesz is engaged in a clear-cut and “noble” battle with a malevolent foreign power. What Fidesz supporters won’t know is that the ruling regime’s resolve is only […]

by · February 27, 2019 · Politics