Articles by: Christopher Adam

László Brenzovics

Hungarian language education in peril in Ukraine — And echoes in Québec

Ukraine’s parliament accepted a law this week, which has been widely condemned by political parties of all stripes in Hungary and by ethnic Hungarian community leaders in Ukraine. If Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko signs into law the bill accepted by legislators, Hungarian children in western Ukraine will no longer be able to study in Hungarian beyond Grade 4. Ukraine’s Minister of […]

by · September 9, 2017 · East
Viktor Orbán on Kossuth Radio, in Budapest, on September 8, 2017 /
MTI. Tibor Illyés

Viktor Orbán accepts EU ruling on migrant quotas, attacks western colonial powers

After 48 hour of offering no commentary whatsoever on a ruling by the European Court of Justice that dismissed both Hungary’s and Slovakia’s complaints about equitably resettling mostly Syrian refugees among EU member states, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán finally spoke to the issue in his usual Friday morning radio interview. The usually loquacious Hungarian prime minister was frugal with his […]

by · September 8, 2017 · Politics
The stone church in the former Hungarian settlement of Kaposvar, SK, now part of the town of Esterhazy, Saskatchewan. The church is a pilgrimage site for Roman Catholics.

The Hungarian language in Canada, according to the 2016 Census

The language statistics of the 2016 Census were in the news a few weeks ago, after an error by Statistics Canada showed an unexpected increase in the number of English-speakers in the French-majority province of Québec. Before the error was discovered, the reported growth of the English community sparked the usual nationalist consternation among some Québec politicians about the “threat” […]

by · September 7, 2017 · Diaspora
Mr. Orbán and President Aliyev sign a strategic partnership in Budapest in 2014. Photo: MTI.

Hungary appears to have sold Azeri axe murderer for $7 million

Documents uncovered this week suggest that the Orbán government’s motivation for handing back to Azerbaijan Ramil Safarov, the Azeri axe murder convicted of killing an Armenian army lieutenant in Hungary, may have been financial gain. In 2012, Hungary earned global scorn for transferring the murderer to a country where he was welcomed as a hero. Here in Ottawa, Canada, the […]

by · September 6, 2017 · Focus
A proposed design for Hungarian euro coins by Anev Kámen.  This includes: the insignia of St. Stephen, the Hungarian national shield,  Albert Szent Györgyi, Lajos Kossuth, Béla Bartók, the parliament, the Puli dog breed, the Rubik cube and Ferenc Puskás.

Should Hungary adopt the euro?

A growing list of prominent Hungarians, including conservatives, are supporting an initiative to launch a national referendum on the adoption of the euro in Hungary. More accurately, the proposed referendum is actually about Hungary joining the EU’s Exchange Rate Mechanism, which is the first formal step in having the euro replace the forint as Hungary’s currency. (The Fundamental Law does […]

by · September 5, 2017 · Politics
Viktor Orbán enjoys a pint of beer at the Kötcse picnic. Photo: Viktor Orbán's Facebook page.

Border fence and anti-migrant rhetoric central to Orbán’s 2018 campaign

At a weekend picnic of Hungary’s ruling Fidesz party and its propagandists within the media world and educational sector, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán warned: the most important question in the April 2018 national elections is whether the country will be able to defend its border fence against some 60 million migrants that he anticipates will leave Africa and try to […]

by · September 4, 2017 · Politics
Károly Makk

Remembering Károly Makk — Hungary loses a prominent film director

Károly Makk was a Hungarian film director and screenwriter of international stature, comparable to Miklós Jancsó or Péter Bacsó, who brought postwar Hungarian cinema to European and western audiences. Károly Makk died at age 92, on August 30th, 2017. At the time of his death, he served as the president of the Széchenyi Academy of Literature and the Arts. Born […]

by · August 30, 2017 · Culture
Gajus Scheltema. Photo: MTI.

Did the Dutch ambassador go too far in his criticism of the Orbán regime?

Outgoing Dutch ambassador Gajus Scheltema’s suggestion that the government of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán creates enemies along the same lines as Islamic terrorists sparked a political firestorm in Hungary. Mr. Scheltema said, as part of a response to journalists from the 168 Óra weekly on the risk of terrorist attacks, particularly after Barcelona: “A car attack can occur anywhere in […]

by · August 29, 2017 · Politics
Vladimir Putin and Viktor Orbán

University of Debrecen bestows highest honour on Vladimir Putin

The University of Debrecen in eastern Hungary announced that it is awarding Russian President Vladimir Putin with the distinction of Civis Honoris Causa. Only two other people have been awarded the honour before Mr. Putin, namely György Habsburg, the former president of the Hungarian Red Cross and the son of Austria-Hungary’s last crown prince, Otto von Habsburg, and Rudolf Schuster, […]

by · August 27, 2017 · East
Due to the acute labour shortage, the Budapest Transportation Company has had to post ads on all of its buses, informing passengers all of the benefits they can count  on and a net starting salary of 200,000 forints if they decide to become a bus driver.

Wages increase by 14% in Hungary, with inflation at only 2.3%

Hungarians are seeing a major increase in their wages, with the average gross monthly salary now standing at 297,000 forints, or US$1,154. This represents a 14.4% increase compared to 2016 figures released by the Central Statistical Office (KSH). Inflation in Hungary is at just 2.3%. The bulk of the increase is connected to the 15% to 25% rise in the […]

by · August 22, 2017 · Politics